Sunday, February 28, 2010

Progress and reassurance

So I finally got my plexi, drew my images in dry erase(thank heaven for dry erase), and plan to have one painting completed by tuesday. let's hope, cause that's when my instructor, Mike, wants it. I've had my very creative and good-eyed boyfriend and some art friends come by and offer opinions and insights on my progress, which is interesting, because when i paint at home, this is something i rarely do. i think this is something i will start doing more often, as people with the same creative talent can give my work a lot of reassurance and direction without pushing me. i was afraid in the past to show my work before it was completed- simply for pride and non-biased influences on my work, but i see now that i can get "help" without other people too heavily influencing the frame of my work. i'm trying to do something that is a culmination of my career so far, and i think these peices will do that for me. thank you, if anyone's reading this besides liz cause she has to. :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

work! work!

so i finally started my paintings...started them in acrylic, but switched to oil halfway through despite my efforts to forever avoid oil. it just comes out so nice that i couldn't resist. i'm not sure how cohesive my work is going to be, but i'm hoping it comes together. i bought the plexi for them today, but i don't know how it will work with the attaching and such. i wish i could find my camera charger so i could take pictures...:( i'm always losing things. bit of funny:
I accidentally left my car in reverse in my driveway today and backed over-not just into- my neighbors fence. i'm a crappy neighbor.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


So I finally went to Michaels to get supplies(shoulda gone to the hardware store instead) and realized they kinda suck. I did get boards to use for my 3 paintings, but I feel the need to use plexiglass for these projects (for the diagrams!) and I've been looking at 3 blank, black boards for 2 days wondering where to begin. Procrastination will be the death of me!! I need motivation and time to start; getting started is the hardest part of beginning a work. I have a great visual in my head for the finished product, but my problem always lies in the construction and the fact that my work always looks like shit until I put the very last mark on it and assemble it. I usually end up scrapping work if it doesn't look good at the halfway point...I scrapped this Madonna (the singer, not the Lady) that Mike still says was going to be one of my best works ever and I still think about it. I toss work before it's had it's say in life. so sad.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Week one intro- a bit of goals...

I am in the middle of writing a research paper on old masters optical techniques which is very very exhausting and annoying in its' overwhelming mass of information on the topic....I am also researching various topics for my senior show including psychological social awareness, military morality, and habitat/self awareness. I plan to do a series of paintings that use various man-made and natural fibers, mixed with painting and drawing, etching in plexiglass and lots of diagrams (which I LOVE!) I don't know where the fascination with diagrams comes from, something of an innate sense of being an animal which wants to take things apart, dissect them, until I understand its workings. This will be a series of works like none i've ever produced and I am trying to put an intellectual meaning on the work I make from now on and envoke with my work a subtle yet honest view of human relationships with the self, others, and our surroundings. Wish me luck, cause I'm starting my paintings tomorrow! I've been putting it off all semester, and I'm finally diving in. cheers to procrastination.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

first entry

New at this... I'd be shocked if anyone read this.. Honestly, I'm surprised that people actually have time to read anyone's blog but that's just me. I am required to do this for my Creativity and the Internet class, but I'm sure that this will be beneficial to me as most things that are forced on us are. I'll get started with talking about my work tomorrow...