Monday, May 3, 2010


well, during show, i suppose.  i had a wonderful surprise at my senior show on thursday.  winning any kind of award was not something i expected- when you go out on a limb, people either embrace it or trash it.  well, peopple really embraced it.  eve5ryone loved all of them (expecially the ants, which were my favorite, too!), and i was honored to be nominated by the staff and picked by the chancellor, it's so nice to be validated for your work.  i feel very good about my review coming up and i'm sooo glad the semester is over so i can paint freely again.( without deadlines) and look for another job. that i need to do too. well, i'm rambling,now, so i'm done for today.  i also should say that i appreciate my parents getting along for my sake. i have a great family.